
Org Chart

The Org Chart is an essential tool for establishing clear roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities within the organization, promoting a culture of accountability, and increasing transparency. By identifying and assigning specific tasks to designated Seats, the Org Chart helps businesses stay focused on achieving their Vision while also anticipating future human resource needs. A well-structured Org Chart enables organizations to Get Smart Stuff Done (GSSD) and adapt as they evolve.

In this brief, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of an Org Chart in creating a culture of accountability and enabling growth within an organization
  • How the chart clarifies the roles, accountabilities, and responsibilities of each Seat in an organization
  • The core disciplines of having function-specific Seats
  • The value of having an ever-evolving Org Chart that grows with your organization
  • The process of populating the chart with the Right People — those who embody your Core Values and have the Competency, Commitment, and Capacity (CCC) for their Seat