A Ninety user adjusts their goal forecasts in their Scorecard.

Goal Forecasting and Trailing 4 & 13 Weeks

New Features Ready on the Scorecard for Beta Users

Ninety has always been focused on making data your superpower, and we believe these next couple of features will get you one step closer. Rather than just updating custom goals for the current or past weeks, you can now forecast goals for the entire year. A new Trailing 4- and 13-Week view is also available through a new tab, which calculates the weekly metrics in real-time to show you a month-over-month or quarter-over-quarter view.

Goal Forecasting

In the filters bar, you will find a Goal Forecasting button. Once selected, Ninety will allow you to enter the goals for the entire year moving forward on one screen.



After opening the Goal Forecasting tool, you'll notice a few changes: 

  • Dates are moving forward, counter to the Scorecard's typical display
  • You'll be entering goals instead of actual metrics
  • Goal Forecasting applies to the Scorecard you're currently viewing
  • Scroll down to view that Scorecard as you would normally see it

You can do Goal Forecasting on any interval: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual.

Just like entering your actual values on the Scorecard, use the cells to enter the goals for the coming weeks. You can add notes to each cell that will appear on the Scorecard when that week is visible.

When finished entering goals, use the Close button in the top right to return to the standard Scorecard view.

Learn more about Goal Forecasting.

Trailing 4 & 13 Week Tab

Ready to see your weekly metrics on a monthly and quarterly basis? Go to the Trailing 4 and 13 Weeks Tab (T4W & T13W) now visible next to the Weekly tab. When you first enter, the page will be blank, but you can quickly add metrics individually or from the entire Scorecard by using the + next to Trailing 4 Weeks and Trailing 13 Weeks.


You'll see a real-time calculation of your weekly metrics — both the Goals and the Scores are calculated based on your Weekly entries. The tool pulls an aggregate of the weekly data, and you can choose if it should be the total or average of the last four weeks. 

The first column in Trailing 4 Weeks will start with the week you see on the Weekly Scorecard — meaning, if you have the current week visible, that is where it will start. 


The default calculation of both the Scores and the Goals will be total. If you want to change that, click on the metric and change it to Average under T4W & T13W Goal Calculation in the details section of the details view. This change will apply to both the 4-week and 13-week sections. 

The choice between Average or Total depends on each metric you are tracking. For example, a percentage-based metric would use the Average rather than the Total for the calculation.

All of these functions work the same way for Trailing 13 Weeks. Each column combines thirteen weeks to give you an idea of how you're performing quarter-over-quarter.

Learn more about Trailing 4 & 13 Weeks.

Notes Attached to Scores

One of our most requested features is here! Now you can add custom, free-text notes to your Scores and Goals. When you add details to a cell, you have the option of adding a note.

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This note can be up to 250 characters of text, and you can add it to your current Scorecard scores or while using the Goal Forecasting feature.

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