Milestones on Rocks
When building out your Rock details, include as many Milestones as needed to create meaningful due dates to accomplish a bigger goal.
Milestones in Ninety have several features. You can:- Assign it to any member of your team
- Give it a unique Due Date, Title, and Description
- Make it a To-Do
Milestones automatically become To-Dos 7 days before they are due. The Milestone and its To-Do are connected, so when you mark the To-Do done, the Milestone is marked done as well.
That means you can receive your Henryx reminders about Milestones (via To-Dos) to stay on top of executing your goals.
Learn more about using Milestones here.
Activate Milestones
You'll need to activate Milestones in Settings to get started.
Visit Settings > Configuration and toggle on the Milestones on Rocks option. That gives you the ability to use the functionality listed above!
(Note: You must be an Admin or Owner on the account to access Configuration in Settings.)